SSI Blog
Medicare Supplement Plans help seniors pay the out-of-pocket costs associated with Medicare. Plans were designed to supplement your coverage. Individuals continue to receive Parts A and B with additional benefits. Some plans will pay your Part A and B costs, while others only partially.
Standardized Plans
The government standardized all plans. Requiring the same plans to include the same coverage regardless of the company that sells them. This makes it easy to compare the cost without keeping track of coverage.
If a current medical condition requires you to visit a doctor regularly, research plans that pay the full Part B coinsurance or copayment. While it’s not always possible to know the level of healthcare you will need in the future, reviewing each plan’s specific coverage is important. If you will be traveling out of the country, some plans provide coverage for foreign travel.
Each plan offers different coverage and premiums that vary. It’s important to note the price of the plans between companies, due to they are not required to charge the same amount. You may be able to find the same plan at a lower price.
Guaranteed Issue
There are times outside of open enrollment when individuals may have a Guaranteed Issue Right, eligible without underwriting. If you choose to delay enrolling in Part B because of group coverage, your eligibility period will be delayed until you enroll in Part B. Instead of having six months, you only have 63 days.
Qualifying Events
Employer-provided health insurance coverage is ending.
Joined Part C when first eligible, but, within the first year, would like to return to Medicare.
Dropped a Medicare Supplement to join Part C for the first time and been in the plan for less than a year.
Previous policy or Part C ends through no fault of the individual.
Enrolled in Part C, but moved out of the network service area.
The best time to enroll is when you’re first eligible, during your open enrollment period. This six-month period of time starts when you are 65 or older and enrolled in Part B. During this time, insurance companies must sell all plans at the best available rate, even if you have a pre-existing condition. If you wait more than six months and miss your enrollment, you may not be able to obtain coverage. If you are accepted, the same plan could cost more.
Annual Enrollment
If you miss your open enrollment or don’t have a Guaranteed Issue Right, you may be able to enroll during Annual Enrollment. Companies during this time are allowed to use underwriting as a deciding factor to determine whether to sell you a policy and how much it will cost.
Changing Plans
If you realize that you’re paying for coverage you don’t need, or need more, changing plans may be a good option.
SSI Blog
Medicare is divided into parts, which are differentiated by letters of the alphabet. If you will be turning 65 shortly, take some time to understand Medicare Part A and B what it covers, and the costs involved.
Part A
Part A provides hospitalization coverage, including hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, home health care (skilled nursing, physical therapy), and hospice care. For most individuals, Part A is free, there is no charge for coverage as long as you meet a few requirements. As long as you are a permanent resident of the United States and you or your spouse paid Social Security taxes while employed, enrollment is automatic. There are deductibles and co-insurance that you are responsible for.
Not Covered
Private room
Personal care items (shampoos, toothpaste, etc.)
Television, phone charges
First three pints of blood
24-hour home care
Meals and homemaker services not related to treatment
In-home personal care (bathing, dressing, etc.)
Part B
Part B covers expenses that are necessary to treat or prevent a disease or condition. Fees that occur outside of room and board while in the hospital are those related to diagnostic testing, preventative care, and supplies needed to diagnose or treat. Fees for visiting the doctor are also included. Part B also provides coverage for many tests and screenings. The standard monthly premium for 2024 is $174.70 (or higher depending on your income). Most people who get Social Security benefits pay this amount.
Not Covered
Elective and cosmetic surgery
Alternative medicine – acupuncture, homeopathy
Vaccinations and immunizations
Prescription and Non-Prescription drugs
General dental work, dentures
Long term care
Hearing aids and exams for fitting
Eye examinations for prescribing glasses
There are out-of-pocket costs associated with Medicare, deductibles, coinsurance, and copays. Many seniors choose to supplement coverage to cover costs. You do not have to accept Part B, and you may opt-out by signing the back of your card and returning it by mail. If you are still working and receiving coverage from your spouse or through an employer, accepting Part A, but delaying Part B may make sense.
Typically, the best time to enroll in Part A and B Is when you are first eligible, during your Initial Enrollment Period. Unfortunately, If you do not qualify for Part A and need to enroll for Part B and miss your enrollment, you may have to wait until the General Enrollment Period, Jan 1-Mar 31, with coverage starting on July 1.
if you don’t enroll in Part B at this time, you will be responsible for a penalty for each 12-month period you were eligible for but didn’t enroll. A 10 percent penalty will be reflected in your premium and will continue for as long as you receive benefits. If you have coverage through your spouse, you may delay enrollment without a penalty. You may be eligible for a Special Enrollment where you won’t be charged a penalty. If you are subject to the penalty, in addition to a premium increase, you may have to wait until January (General Enrollment Period) to enroll for coverage that begins in July. The monthly rate for Part B is based on your income.
Effective Dates
In the event you have not enrolled automatically and choose to enroll in Medicare yourself, effective coverage dates vary based on the month you sign up. If you sign up during your Initial Enrollment Period (the 7 months beginning 3 months before your 65th birthday and ending 3 months after your 65th birthday) effective start dates are shown below.
The same month you turn 65, coverage begins 1 month after you enroll.
1 month after you turn 65, coverage begins 2 months after you enroll.
2 months after you turn 65, coverage begins 3 months after you enroll.
3 months after you turn 65, coverage begins 3 months after you enroll.
SSI Blog
If you’re turning 65 in Illinois soon, you will be able to enroll in Medicare, a federally funded program that provides hospital and medical insurance to seniors. For most, enrollment is automatic. Transitioning to Medicare can be confusing. Take a few minutes to become familiar with the coverage and cost of Medicare.
Part A
Part A is free for most people as long as you receive Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits, you don’t need to do anything and your Medicare card will be sent to you by mail.
Part B
A Part B premium will be deducted from your Social Security payments each month. In 2024, the standard premium is $174.70
When you first become eligible, you enter what is called your Initial Enrollment Period. This is a 7-month period of time beginning 3 months before your birthday month, and extending 3 months after your birthday month. This is the time to enroll in Medicare or enhance coverage with additional benefits. If you delay, you may have to wait until the General Enrollment Period (Jan 1- Mar 31) of the following year and may also be charged a Part B late enrollment penalty.
Additional Benefits
Medicare covers much of your health care, but it doesn’t cover everything. It’s up to you to decide if you want to supplement coverage with additional benefits. Understanding your options will make it easier. Medicare Advantage (Part C) enhances Medicare by delivering all of your Parts A, and B, coverage and extra benefits. You are responsible for paying a monthly premium as well as the Part B premium. Medicare does not provide coverage for prescription drugs. Two ways to get benefits, join a Part D plan, or a Part C plan that already includes prescription coverage.
Cost of Part B:
SSI Blog
Medicare Part B provides services including tests, shots, and screenings. These preventive measures provide a snapshot of your health and well-being. Coverage also includes counseling that helps seniors make more informed decisions with lifestyle choices.
One-time “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit
Prostate and colorectal cancer screenings
Pelvic Exams
Bone mass measurements
Sexually transmitted infection testing
Yearly wellness visit
Flu, Hepatitis B, and Pneumococcal shots
Multiple cancers
Hepatitis C
Sexually transmitted infections
Tobacco use cessation
Nutrition therapy
SSI Blog
If you’re considering a Medicare Part D plan, or already enrolled, you may not understand some of the terms used.
The formulary is the list of medications covered by the plan. Categorized into four different tiers with different costs.
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
The out-of-pocket maximum, or limit, is the most you will pay for covered prescriptions in one year. Typically, after you reach this amount in deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance, the plan pays 100 percent of any remaining costs. Once you reach this amount, you will automatically receive catastrophic coverage and will pay a small amount for medications for the remainder of the year.
Medication is categorized into Tiers. Each Tier will have a different cost.
The least expensive and considered equivalent alternatives to expensive brand-name.
Preferred Brand Name
No equivalent alternative or generic version is available.
Non-Preferred Brand Name
One of the more expensive types of medication.
The highest cost of medication available
Financial Help
For seniors with limited income and resources, financial help is available to help with some of the Part D costs. Qualification for the Extra Help program is based on income and resources.
Finding Your Level of Extra Help:
Save on Drug Costs:
What Drug Plans Cover:
Generic Drugs: Questions and Answers:
Costs in the Coverage Gap: